Grymes Memorial School
Grymes Memorial School is a private K-8 institution located in Orange, Virginia that commissioned Bartzen & Ball to devise a master plan to accomodate the growth of their student body. The master plan focuses on a phased approach to achieving an eventual build-out of the campus centered around the existing linear classroom and administration building.
A phased growth plan allows for the school to function while construction is ongoing. The buildings envisioned in the future development plan include a new classroom building, a new arcade / entry drop-off component, renovation of existing classrooms and systems, and renovation of the existing gym and multipurpose space. Eventually a new library will complete the plan as the school grows from 167 students to 225.
Critical to the master plan, thorough studies of the site, the students, and the history allowed Bartzen & Ball to identify opportunities and constraints on the campus and to provide a plan for incremental growth over the next ten years. The master plan details all phases of future building and athletic field development on the campus, and sets into place an architectural character which will allow the school to establish a new and coherent identity, consistent with the mission statement of the school.
The phase 1 classroom building wing opened for school in the fall of 2013.